Ladies the struggle was so real trying to fit these boots under my jeans. I had to call in reinforcements in the form of the boy, it became a team effort but we persevered and I really feel like it was worth it. I'm wearing the same thigh high boots from my
previous post, but I decided to try something I've never done before and put my boots under my jeans. The boots now have a whole new feel (and look) sorta like those sock boots which is great if you like that kind of thing but don't want to invest in new boots or you just want to make the most out of one item, you guys know I'm all about the latter. Although you do have to have the right jeans, this kind of style is great as it's loose enough to get the boots underneath. If you do try this my tip is put the boots inside the jeans first, then slide your legs in - trust me I'm a pro, lol. What do you guys think? Have I inspired any of you to try wearing your jeans over your boots? xx
I love this post, You look amazing girl!
Thanks so much hunny xx